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Degree Programme

HIE offers a degree in International Communication Studies. This degree is delivered in English and will
equip our graduates for international communication across the English speaking world. Eligible students
must have passed their Baccalaureate well. Our students come from all over Mauritania.
Academic Staff
The majority of our teachers are British with global experience in
universities, oil and gas, and other public and private sectors.
Local teachers are internationally qualified.

We have a dedicated new campus. for more information click here

Philosophy and Content
The degree is much more than an English degree; it is a unified degree programme for international communication across the English speaking world. Courses will also prepare learners for the work place, with opportunities for work experience and community projects.

Preparation for the work place requires students to think, problem-solve and reflect. Examples include creativity, collaboration, digital literacy, personal development, critical thinking and more. All are skills that employers want from their graduates.
Each year of the degree is worth 60 credits on the European Credit Transfer system.
In the first year: you gain a firm foundation in improving your English language as well as obtain an introduction to some employability skills and study skills.

In the second year: you explore employability skills in more depth with more English learning too. Optional courses are introduced in the second year and make up half of the curriculum in the third year.

Also in the third year you apply your skills at college and in the work place.