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First HIE Graduation

Friday 27 December 2019 marked the graduation of the first cohort with a Degree (License) in International Communication Studies. The ceremony was presided over by senior management and distinguished guests including the Deputy General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in tandem with the Deputy General of the Ministry of National Defence.
The ceremony was initiated with verses from the Holy Quran by Brahim Diey. This was followed by an opening speech delivered by the Commandant of the Higher Institute of English, Capt. Mohamed Mahmoud El Hadramy.

In his speech, the Commandant expressed his gratitude and thankfulness to the graduating attendees.
He concluded by acknowledging the efforts of HIE Staff who played an important role in the journey of the graduates.

Ms. Aichata Diallo, the deputy general of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, delivered a speech on behalf of Dr. Sidi Ould Salem the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in which she appreciated the dedication of HIE staff and congratulated the graduates on their devotion and achievement.

On receiving their certificates, the graduates elatedly celebrated the moment and expressed their happiness and pride through a speech given by Yahya Hourmet Allah on their behalf.

The distinguished guests were then invited to watch three videos produced by Yenje Mohamed, one of the graduates. In the videos, students spoke about their three-year long journey full of hard work, while the teachers talked about their time with the graduates and wished them all the best in the future. Tribute was also paid to the late Dr. Rob Tovey, former Head of the Degree Programme, who contributed greatly to their success.

The ceremony was closed out by Tim Perrott, the Head of Degree Programme, who made a marvellous and emotional speech that stirred all the attendees.

Many thanks especially to Khadijah Cheyakh  and her team for great organisation of furnishings, facilities, and especially for the hospitality that accompanied this great event.