Following an initiative by Gerry McKeown (NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety, NEBOSH International Environmental Diploma), a HSE team has been established under the auspices of the Commandant, Colonel Abderrahmane Ebdemel, to ensure that HIE carries out its duty of care to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all its staff, students and visitors within the HIE buildings and its environs. This is in tandem with a desire to encourage all staff, students and visitors to take a proactive stance to their own health and safety while in and around the HIE premises.
It is the policy of HIE to:
- Take all reasonably practicable steps to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all personnel on HIE premises and its environs
- Provide adequate working conditions with proper facilities to safeguard the health and safety of personnel and to ensure that any activity which is undertaken in the HIE building and its environs produces no unnecessary risk to health or safety
- Encourage persons on the premises and its environs to co-operate with HIE in all safety matters, such as the identification of hazards which may exist and in the reporting of any condition/situation to the Head of maintenance, Fire Wardens and Safety Officer, which may appear dangerous or unsatisfactory;
- Provide sufficient information via signage, instruction and training via emails and Teacher/Student/Intern inductions and hands-on courses to enable everyone within HIE to avoid hazards and contribute to their own safety and health
- Provide specific information, instruction, training and supervision to personnel who have particular Health and Safety responsibilities, such as Fire Wardens and Assembly Point head counters.
- Carry out an annual HSE Inspection/Risk assessment within HIE and implement any control measures necessary
- Set up relevant Fire/Emergency Evacuation procedures
- Conduct an annual Fire and Emergency Evacuation drill
- Provide adequate First Aid facilities for minor accidents, such as cuts or burns etc.
- Ensure that appropriate HSE signage, such as a Fire Evacuation Procedure and Floor Plan is understood and updated when necessary
- Provide undergraduates with basic first-aid knowledge