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Inauguration of HIE Extension Building

Wednesday 24th July marked the official opening of our new building extension, and President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz in tandem with The Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Sidi Ould Salem, were with us to grace the occasion.

Inauguration of HIE Extension Building
source: AMI

The President cut the ribbon and was then given a tour of the facility by Commandant Mohamed Mahmoud El Hadramy

Inauguration of HIE Extension Building

The foundations were dug back in September 2017, and the building has been going up since that time. The new building boasts state-of-the-art technology with well-appointed classrooms, a Learning Hub, library, seminar and computer rooms. The building will be used for the International Communication Studies degree programme while the In-Service Courses will be run in the original building.

There is also a large mosque and gym within the complex. The new buildings will give HIE the opportunity and space to enhance and improve the delivery of educational and training programmes.