The Internal Quality Assurance Unit (CIAQ/IQAU) of the Higher Institute of English was established on 6 November, 2020 subsequent to the ministerial order No 745 dated 2 October, 2020 creating internal quality assurance units in higher education institutions and setting up their mission and composition.
The aims of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit are:
– to contribute to the various evaluations; in particular those required by the Mauritanian Authority for Quality Assurance of Higher Education (AMAQ-ES/MAQA-HE). The reports of these evaluations are sent to the AMAQ-ES by the Director of the Institution
– to develop evaluation instruments and to implement the quality policy of the institution; such tools to encompass benchmarks, indicators, action plans, scoreboards and other internal evaluation tools
– to review the reports of internal and external evaluations and to propose remediation strategies.
The Internal Quality Assurance Unit of HIE is headed by a Quality Assurance Manager and includes two instructors, one from each department (the International Communication Studies Department and the In-service Department), and one member of the Administrative, Technical and Service Staff.