My name is Yacoub Dahah. My education and career journeys can both be best described as diverse. I have studied different things and worked in diverse fields.
Educationwise, after getting my Baccalaureat, I ended up doing a Licence in English studies at the University of Nouakchott because that’s what the Ministry of Higher Education decided I should do! However, I am glad English was my major, for it has opened for me many doors to a variety of exciting opportunities and experiences. After finishing my undergraduate degree, I did a one-semester non-degree exchange program at Emporia State University in Kansas, USA. In 2019, I flew back to the States to do a master’s degree in Conflict Resolution at the University of Massachusetts- Boston through the Fulbright program.
Careerwise, I taught at Ibn Yacin University’s non-degree English program for a short period of time upon returning to Mauritania from my first study abroad program in 2017. I have also worked as a freelance translator/ interpreter while working part-time for a non-profit called Bin Bayyah Foundation. My work as a translator allowed me to have different fruitful and exciting experiences ranging from interpreting for the military in real-life-like drills to interpreting for NGO’s on humanitarian missions. On the other hand, my work for BBF was one of the most fulfilling experiences in my life, considering the hundreds of lives that we changed for the better at the foundation; and it was what led me to pursue a master’s degree in conflict resolution. After getting my graduate degree, I taught for one academic year at the University of Nouakchott. Now, I am super excited to be starting this position here at HIE.